Cigar Lovers International Clubs
"Won't you join our clic?"

Okay, Gents. My latest endeavor - Monthly Cigar Smoking Club. Still working out the details, but something is going to happen. Gonna start in the Frederick area, may move, rotate, who knows. But it's a chance to chill and do some male bonding. Saturday nights (we're thinking, but again, open for discussion). Please let me know if you're interested and/or have any ideas. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A CIGAR SMOKER TO ATTEND - you can just come for the male bondage if you want (yes, that was intentional).



Founding Fathers: Rick, Stewie, Jeff, and David

Founded in May of 2012, we try to hold club events at least once a month. Good times seems to be the common theme. Check back for more details.
Previous menus have included:

Land Meats: pernil, kielbasa, marinated top-round, pulled pork, prime rib, venison

Sea Meats: shrimp, scallops, oysters (fried and raw), crab balls, salmon (classic, peppered, and dill), caviar

Other Mains: baked ziti salad (please ask), pizza

Snax: vegemite, cheese and crackers, buffalo chicken dip, mixed nuts, olives, pesto

Rabbit Food: carrots and celery, grapes (white and red)

Sweets: cheese cake, homemade strawberry jam, hot pepper jelly, and dark chocolate (60% & 72%)

Previous drink selections include:
Adult: Bud Lite, Bud Lite Lime, Yuengling, Guinness, Assorted Homemade Wines, Cardhu Scotch Whisky, Glenfiddich (30), Dalmore (12) and Dalmore Cigar Malt
Non-adult: Coke, Ginger Ale, Green Tea Ginger Ale, Raspberry Lime Seltzer, DDP, Water,

Please inquire about our next "smoke-in". We typically start at 4:00PM. Most are welcome. RSVPs appreciated. No underage drinking!